Jan Braum, osobní stránky Úvod . České Budějovice . Novohradsko . Chalupaření . Literatura faktu . Bonsai . Podzemí |
Obsah: Birmingham Main Mike Sheridan & The Nightriders Denny Laine & The Diplomats Carl Wayne & The Vikings Idle Race The Move Electric Light Orchestra Jeff Lynne Kelly Groucutt Violinski No Cause For Alarm Stop Cloning About Whirling Dervish OrKestra ELO Part2 The Orchestra Wizzard 1 a 2 Wizzo Band Helicopters Roy Wood's Big Band Roy Wood's Army The Uglys Balls The Steve Gibbons Band The Moody Blues ![]() ![]() ![]() |
No Cause For Alarm1979, Jet Records, Jet LP 219
Přestože měli dva členy z ELO, Violinski nikdy dosáhli takového zvuku jako ELO. Dobrá věc nebo ne, výsledný zvuk byl a zůstává stále působivým. Snad vokály mohly být občas jasnější. Nicméně, celek byl vždy dokonalý. První strana tohoto vzrušivého alba začíná skladbou "Cricket, Bloody Cricket". Zvuk je typický pro 70. léta tzv. "cheese" pop rock, přecházející do stylu roch'n'rollu. Následuje "Sudden Romance". Pak kousek tang a foxtrotu, s krásnými poetickými slovy. Dále "Rosanna", velká skladba s přitažlivým námětem. "Need Your Love" je příklad nádherné balady. Slova jsou přesným vyjádřením citů muže, říká, miluji vás... Zvuk povědomý?! Úvodní skladba "No Cause For Alarm" - Znovu velmi poetická slova, ti mladíci mají talent! Neobyčejná spolupráce nástrojů. Nádherná sólová kytara, lze poznat styl ELO. "Clog Dance". Úžasné! Opravdové instrumentální mistrovské dílo. Na druhé sraně alba se ředstavuje "Save Me", Violinski druhý singl, který nás dostane! Lahodný! Krásná slova! "Time To Live" je hned další jemná balada. Tato píseň má opět nádherná slova. Další "Cow/Caped Crusader" odstartuje docela nenápadně, ale je to jen zdání. Poslyšme text - první polovina, "Cow" sestává z následujících slov: Don't call your lover a cow, you wouldn't like it yourself. No Cause For Alarm - Lyrics1979, Jet Records, Jet LP 219Produced by Mik Kaminski, John Marcangelo, John Hodgson, Engineered by Mack Lyrics transcribed by Stephen Greenwood and Ray Murray * = Lyrics incomplete, ..?.. = cannot identify Cricket Bloody Cricket Out in the field - the bowler starts his run Straight to the boundary - bings up the century And the hero's going home I heard the news today A hero's welcome has been taken away I heard the news today (Their time) Their time is quickly running out (Their time) Those men on table mountain know (Their time) Their time is quickly running out (Their time) Those men on table mountain know They stop the match - but the test goes on The Third World rises - they swap the bats for guns Now the men are on the run I heard the news today A hero's welcome has been taken away I heard the news today (Their time) Their time is quickly running out (Their time) Those men on table mountain know (Their time) Their time is quickly running out (Their time) Those men on table mountain know (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- More Than A Sudden Romance * ..?.. - disco diner For the hotspot - nowhere finer Band playing songs from fading youth The reflection on the counter In the ketchup, there he found her Blonde well-formed style that..?.. Hiya! What's got on you? Would you like to dance..?..help me So she panicked - Christ, I can't think! What's my first line? Need a stiff drink! She just grabbed him and pulled him on the floor Watch them dance She was entranced by his..?.. Locked in the arms of her..?..wondress Man you're alone, you've got more than a sudden romance Falling in rapture, the whole room stopped dancing Wouldn't he realise what he was chancing Man you're alone, you've got more than a sudden romance They danced the night away, all of the dancers knew This woman was just..?..watching the man's..?.. Man you're alone, you've got more than a sudden romance Man you're alone, you've got more than a sudden romance (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Rosanna You can do just anything you want to Yes you can, yes you can, yes you can When you're around me, I feel like I'm spinning Hold my hand, hold my hand, hold my hand You've got me thinking lots of crazy things I feel I'm flying, seems I ought to have wings Oh oh - oh oh Rosanna Rosanna Rosanna Your love has made a fool of me I don't know just what it is I'm feeling - keep on, keep on doing it Got to be a little consolation - get down, get down to it I started walking, feet don't touch the floor I feel I'm joking when I'm at your door Oh oh - oh oh Rosanna Rosanna Rosanna Your love has made a fool of me You've got me thinking lots of crazy things I feel I'm flying, seems I ought to have wings Oh oh - oh oh Rosanna Rosanna Rosanna Your love has made a fool of me (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Need Your Love Sun breaking through the clouds Lazy world casting off the shrouds And as I open my eyes - always such a suprise, I turn to you The things we say and the things we do All before but they still seem new We're together today - try to find a way to say to you Thank you girl for all you give me Thanks for the love that's always with me Hard to say all the things I mean You mean much more than I make you seem All my emotions - all my devotions lie with you Thank you girl for all you give me Thanks for the love that's always with me Only you make me feel so good Make it feel like I know it should You take me so high - above together we fly, the world, the sky Thank you girl for all you give me Thanks for the love that's always with me (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- No Cause For Alarm * Sitting home tuned to the radio station When over the air comes a news bulletin There's some talk of radiation And the set goes dead - silence fills the air Silence fills the air In the streets no lights are shining Rooftops..?..silver moon No sound of the voices in the darkness Save for a dog barking out at night skies Out at night skies No cause for alarm - no cause for alarm No cause for alarm - no cause for alarm No cause for alarm - no cause for alarm Throught the reeds an eerie wind is blowing Over rivers, fields and into town it blows A newsboy lies dying on the corner In his hands the headlines holler NO CAUSE FOR ALARM NO CAUSE FOR ALARM Sitting home tuned to the radio station When over the air comes a news bulletin There's some talk of radiation And the set goes dead - silence fills the air Silence fills the air Silence... (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Clog Dance Instrumental (Marcangelo) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Save Me Look and see, before you try to condemn me I have been left alone too long When I'm free, then we'll leave the bad times far behind They just fade away In sun's blinding ray And that's where we'll stay Daydreams (daydreams) Daydreams (daydreams) Daydreams (daydreams) Save me To and fro, the great temptations there you see Should I go, or stay and prove myself It's so hard, but in the long run I believe you'll find They just fade away In sun's blinding ray And that's where we'll stay Daydreams (daydreams) Daydreams (daydreams) Daydreams (daydreams) Save me Now it's here, the song has made it seem so clear Not too long, no sorrow left to come Now I'm free, it's just the way it always was I see They just fade away In sun's blinding ray And that's where we'll stay Daydreams (daydreams) Daydreams (daydreams) Daydreams (daydreams) Save me (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Time To Live Time to stop and think about the future What we have to give Help is needed by so many people Thriving, striving, never have no time to live Days go by but no-one seems to worry Musn't be there late Have to keep up with a certain schedule Make a note to hope for any special day Oh I don't know why we never try to be free Wake up and see - help me Sleep relieves but don't you have a nightmare nowhere left to hide Deep inside you know there is an answer Showing, knowing that you're really on their side Night time 'cross the morning looks much clearer Have a second glance Daylight bringing hope for brighter futures Don't go on and never give your life a chance Oh I don't know why we never try to be free Wake up and see - help me (Kaminski) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cow Don't call your lover a cow You wouldn't like it yourself Just drop her one in the face Kick her all over the place Try not to kick her too hard You must be careful of that From past kicking I have found that The best place is square in the... (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Caped Crusader I'm a superhero Oh yeah - a man of steel Monolithic Nero Oh yeah - I go reel to reel Supervision x-ray Etches in my head, transistor pickups I can hear what you say When I'm up in the morning doing two thousand press-ups The caped crusader - the saviour of the human race A masked invader - saving face Chasing all the big spies Oh yeah - put them in the can Combat the bad guys Oh yeah - always get my man Wearing my protection Neat rubber catsuit with the secret compartment Move in my direction Always in league with the police department The caped crusader - the saviour of the human race A masked invader - saving face Getting old for this game Oh no - x-ray's fading fast Don't like what I'm saying Oh no - think I've fought my last Never see no heroes Fighting the villains with whitening hair Chasing all the wierdos Driving down main street in my motorised bath-chair, oh no The caped crusader - the saviour of the human race A masked invader - saving face (Hodgson) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Die Aband Glocke Instrumental (Marcangelo) Birmingham Main ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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